The following food product categories accounted for the majority of shipments refused:
1. Fishery and seafood products (20.5 percent of all refusals)
2. Vegetables and vegetable products (16.1 percent)
3. Fruit and fruit products (10.5 percent); John Bovay FDA Refusals of Imported Food Products by Country and Category, 2005–2013 Summary
4. Spices, flavors, and salts (7.7 percent)
5. Candy without chocolate and chewing gum (7.2 percent).
For both fishery/seafood products and fruit/fruit products, the most common reason for a shipment to be refused was sanitary violations or, specifically, “filth.” Vegetables/vegetable products were most commonly refused because of unsafe pesticide residues. The most common violation for spices, flavors, and salts was the presence of Salmonella bacteria. The use of an unsafe color additive was the most common violation for non-chocolate candies and gum.
Full Report can be found here →
Stay tuned for an official release on this new information from the American Shrimp Processors Association
#####For more information, please contact:
Eddy Hayes, Legal Counsel, ASPA
(504) 585-7500
David Veal, Executive Director, ASPA
(228) 806-9600