Every Shrimp has a Tail. But our wild-caught, American shrimp have a story rich with flavor, history and adventure…
A story of hard-working, shrimp industry families that dates back to when shrimp were harvested on wooden sailing vessels and peeled by hand. It’s the story of American jobs, livelihoods and an industry’s resilience against disasters and tough times.
And beyond the history and heritage, it’s the story of an all-natural, healthy food that travels directly from the warm, nutrient-rich waters of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic to your table. It’s the story of new processing technology that suspends freshness until cooked. And best of all, it’s the story of what top chefs around the world agree are the best-tasting shrimp in the World. Wild-caught in America.
Our shrimp are also sustainable. No one has more at stake than our local shrimpers and shrimp processors, as their livelihood depends on the annual harvest. The annual shrimp harvest has been relatively stable since the early 1950s, in spite of significant changes throughout the shrimp industry. Still, long-term sustainability remains our goal and our industry has adopted certain standards to help us in this effort. Learn more about the ongoing Sustainability work being done by the American Shrimp Processors Association.